Teadustööde loetelu
Teaduslikud artiklid refereeritavates rahvusvahelise levikuga väljaannetes
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. ja Leivits, A. 1999. Effect of calcium availability and habitat quality on reproduction in Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and Great Tit Parus major. Journal of Avian Biology 30: 383-391.
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. ja Leivits, A. 1999. Breeding in calcium-poor habitats: are there any extra costs? Acta Ornithologica 34: 215-218.
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. ja Leivits, A. 2000. Reproductive response of Great Tits Parus major to calcium supplementation in a naturally base-poor forest habitat. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 689-695.
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. ja Leivits, A. 2000. Calcium, snails, and birds: a case study. Web Ecology 1: 63-69.
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. ja Mägi, M. 2002. Calcium shortage as a constraint on reproduction in great tits Parus major: a field experiment. Journal of Avian Biology 33: 407-413
Mänd, R. ja Tilgar, V. 2003. Does supplementary calcium reduce the cost of reproduction in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca? Ibis 145: 67-77
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. & Ots, I. In press. Bone alkaline phosphatase as a sensitive indicator of skeletal development in birds: a study of the Great Tit nestlings. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Ots, I, Mägi, M., Kilgas, P. & Reynolds, S.J. In press. Calcium availability affects bone growth in nestlings of free-living great tits Parus major, as detected by plasma alkaline phosphatase. Journal of Zoology, London.
Reynolds, S.J., Mänd, R. & Tilgar, V. In press. Calcium supplementation of breeding birds: directions for future research. Ibis.
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V., Lõhmus, A., Leivits, A. In press. Providing nest boxes for hole-nesting birds - does habitat matter? Biodiversity and Conservation.
Muud teaduslikud artiklid
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. 1997. Kontinuaalsed metapopulatsioonid lindudel. Schola Biotheoretica XXIII. Metapopulatsioonide teooria (toim. T. Teder, K. Kull, T. Möls, I. Puura, K. Piirimäe). Tartu, OÜ Sulemees, lk 77-81.
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. 1997. Kaltsiumistress metsavärvulistel. - Rmt. (T. Frey, toim.) Kaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Ajalised muutused Eesti eluslooduses ja keskkonnas. Tartu, Teadusühistu IM SAARE: 221-225.
Tilgar, V. 1998. Lindude fülogenees. Schola Biotheoretica XXIV (toim. I. Puura). Ontogenees ja fülogenees, Tartu, OÜ Sulemees, lk 49-52.
Tilgar, V. 1999. Mälumehhanismid lindudel. Schola Biotheoretica XXV (toim. I. Puura). Biosüsteemide mälu teooria. Tartu, OÜ Sulemees, lk 49-52.
Tilgar, V. 2002. Taimede ja seente mosaiikne levimine loomade abil. Schola Biotheoretica XXVIII. Võrkude teooria (toim. I. Puura ja T. Teder). Tartu, OÜ Sulemees, lk 47-51.
Konverentside teesid
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Leivits, A.1997. Calcium deficiency as an ecological constraint for Passerines in oligotrophic forests of Estonia (abstract). First meeting of the European Ornithological Union, Bologna, Italy 28-30 August 1997.
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R. & Leivits, A. 1997. Calcium deficiency in forest passerines breeding in calcium-poor habitats. The IXth Finnish-Estonian Ornithological Congress. Lammi, 27-29 September.
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Leivits, A. 1999. Breeding in calcium-poor habitats: are there some extra costs?. 2th Meeting of the European Ornithologists Union. Gdansk, Poland, 15-18 September.
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. & Leivits, A. 1999. Calcium, snails, and birds: a case study. VIII European Ecological Congress. Halkidiki, Greece, 18-23 September
Tilgar, V., Mänd, R., Leivits, A. ja Mägi, M. 2001. All that glitters is not gold: fragments of rich habitat function like "ecological trap" for Great Tits Parus major. 3rd Meeting of the European Ornithologists Union. Groningen, The Netherlands, 21-25 August (suuline ettekanne)
Kilgas, P., Mägi, M., Tilgar, V. & Mänd, R. 2002. Does preferred habitat makes them sick. X European Ecological Congress, Lund, Sweden (stendiettekanne)
Tilgar, V., Ots, I. & Mänd, R. 2003. Calcium and legs: using bone alkaline phosphatase as a marker of delayed skeletal development in great tit nestlings. (suuline ettekanne) 4th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union. Chemnitz, Saksamaa, 16-21 August 2003 (suuline ettekanne).
Mänd, R. & Tilgar, V. 2003. Plumage colour of mates and reproduction in Great Tits (Parus major): Female as a conditional strategist? (suulise ettekande kaasautor) 28th International Ethological Conference. Florianopolis, Brasiilia, 20-27 august 2003.
Muud publikatsioonid
Mänd, R., Tilgar, V. 1996. Kas loomariigis napib ehituskive? Eesti Loodus 1: 13-15.
Tilgar, V. 1998. Maailmavalitsejad dinosaurused. Eesti Loodus 4.