A bibliography of Kalevi Kull
Sutrop U., Kull K. 1985.
Theoretical Biology in Estonia. Tallinn: Valgus, 28 p.
Kull K., Kull O. 1989. Dinamicheskoe modelirovanie rosta derev’ev [Dynamical Modelling of Tree
Growth]. Tallinn, Valgus, 232 p.
Kukk T., Kull K. 1997. Puisniidud [Wooded
(Estonia Maritima 2.) 249 p.
Emmeche Claus, Kull K., Stjernfelt Frederik 2002. Reading Hoffmeyer,
Rethinking Biology. Tartu: Tartu University Press.
Books, edited
Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1988.
Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus. 180 p.
Kull K., Ksenofontova T. (eds.) 1988. Perspektivy teorii fitotsenologii
[Perspectives in Theory of Phytocoenology]. Tartu, 208 p.
Kull K. (ed.) 1992. Baer and Modern Biology. Tartu: University of Tartu. 104 p.
Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1993.
Lectures in Theoretical Biology: The Second
Stage. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences. 257 p. (Academia, vol. 2).
Zobel M, Palmer M.W., Kull K., Herben T. (eds.) 1994.
Species Co-existence and Vegetation Structure. Uppsala: Opulus Press, 112 p.
Aaviksoo K., Kull K., Paal J., Trass H. (eds.). 1995. Consortium Masingii: A Festschrift for Viktor Masing. (Scripta Botanica 9.) Tartu: Tartu University, 189 p.
Tiivel T., Kareva D., Kull K. (eds.) 2000. Oma maa vaim: Eesti Taassünni
auhind 1993-1997 [The Spirit of One's Own Country: Estonian Renaissance
Award 1993-1997]. Tallinn: Varrak, 79 p.
Roepstorff Andreas, Bubandt Nils, Kull Kalevi (eds.) 2003. Imagining
Nature: Practices of Cosmology and Identity.. Aarhus: Aarhus
University Press.
Journals and book series, edited
Sign Systems Studies
(since vol. 26, 1998)
Schola Biotheoretica
Folia Baeriana (since vol.
7, 1999)
(in English)
Kallis A., Kull K. 1977. Changes in the components of dark respiration during the growing period and their relationship with the growth of barley plants. - In: Produkce biomasy a tvorba vynosu polnich plodin. Praha: Agroprojekt, 81-90.
Laisk A., Oja V., Kull K. 1980. Statistical distribution of stomatal apertures of Vicia faba and Hordeum vulgare and the spannungsphase of stomatal opening. - Journal of
Experimental Botany 31(120), 49-58.
Kull K. 1987. Ecophysiological models of tree growth. - In: Laasimer L., Kull T. (eds.). The Plant Cover of the Estonian SSR: Flora, Vegetation and Ecology. Tallinn: Valgus, 96-107.
Kull K. 1988. The origin of species: a new view. - In: Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.). Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus, 73-77.
Kull T., Kull K. 1991. Preliminary results from a study of populations of Cypripedium calceolus in Estonia. - In: Wells T.C.E., Willems J.H. (eds.). Population Ecology of Terrestrial Orchids. The Hague: SPB Academic Publ., 69-76.
Kull K., Zobel M. 1991. High species richness in an Estonian wooded meadow. - Journal of Vegetation Science 2(5), 715-718.
Kull K. 1992. Evolution and semiotics. - In: Sebeok T.A., Umiker-Sebeok J. (eds.). Biosemiotics: Semiotic Web 1991. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 221-233.
Kull K. 1993. Baer and theoretical biology in Estonia. - Folia Baeriana, 6. Tartu, 22-26.
Kull K. 1993. Recognition concept of species and a mechanism of speciation. - In: Folia Baeriana 6. Tartu, 133-140.
Kull K. 1993.
Semiotic paradigm in theoretical biology. - In: Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.).
Lectures in theoretical biology: the second stage. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 52-62. (Academia; vol. 2).
Kull K., Zobel M. 1994. Vegetation structure and species co-existence. - Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 29, 433-437.
Niinemets Ü., Kull K. 1994. Leaf weight per area and leaf size of 85 Estonian woody species in relation to shade tolerance and light availability. - Forest Ecology and Management 70(1), 1-10.
Kull K. 1995.
Growth form parameters of clonal herbs. - Scripta Botanica 9, 106-115.
Masing V., Kull K., Trass H., Zobel M. 1995.
Vegetation science in Estonia. - Scripta Botanica 9, 144-189.
Brauckmann S., Kull K. 1997.
Nomogenetic biology and its Western counterparts. - In:
Naumov R.V., Marasov A.N., Gurkin V.A. (eds.). Lyubischevskie Chteniya
1997. Ul’yanovsk: Ul’yanovskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogicheskij universitet, 72-77.
Ingerpuu N., Kull K., Vellak K. 1998. Bryophyte vegetation in a wooded
meadow: relationships with phanerogam diversity and responses to
fertilisation. - Plant Ecology 134(2), 163-171.
Kull K. 1998. On semiosis, Umwelt, and semiosphere.
— Semiotica 120(3/4),
Kull K. 1998.
Organism as a self-reading text: anticipation and semiosis.
- International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 1, 93-104.
Kull K. 1998. Baerian biology: evolution by means of organisms'
interpretation. — In: Farré George L., Oksala Tarkko (eds.). Emergence,
Complexity, Hierarchy, Organization. Espoo, 197–200.
Kull K. 1998. Semiotic
ecology: different natures in the semiosphere. - Sign
Systems Studies 26, 344-371.
Kull K. 1999. Outlines for a post-Darwinian
biology. - Folia Baeriana 7, 129-142.
Kull K. 1999. On the history of joining bio with semio:
F.S.Rothschild and the biosemiotic rules. - Sign Systems Studies 27,
Kull K. 1999. Umwelt and evolution: from Uexküll to post-Darwinism. - In:
Taborsky E. (ed.). Semiosis, Evolution, Energy: Towards a
Reconceptualization of the Sign. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 53-70.
Kull K. 1999. Symbiosis is semiosis. - In: Wagner E., et al. (eds.). From Symbiosis to
Eukaryotism: Endocytobiology 7. Geneva University Press, 663-668.
Tiivel T., Kull K. 1999. Thure von Uexküll: symbiosis of biology, medicine,
and semiotics. - In: Wagner E., et al. (eds.). From Symbiosis to
Eukaryotism: Endocytobiology 7. Geneva University Press, 657-661.
Kull K. 1999. Towards biosemiotics with Yuri Lotman. — Semiotica 127(1/4),
Kull K. 1999. Biosemiotics in the twentieth century:
a view from biology. —
Semiotica 127(1/4), 385-414.
Kull K. 2000. Active motion, communicative aggregations, and the spatial
closure of Umwelt - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 901,
Sammul M., Kull K., Oksanen L., Veromann P. 2000. Competition
intensity and its importance: results of field experiments with Anthoxanthum
odoratum. - Oecologia 125(1), 18-25.
Kull K. 2000. Organisms
can be proud to have been their own designers. -
Cybernetics and Human Knowing 7(1), 45-55.
Kull K. 2000. Copy versus translate, meme versus sign:
development of biological textuality - European Journal for Semiotic
Studies 12(1), 101-120.
Kull K. 2000. An
introduction to phytosemiotics: Semiotic botany and vegetative
sign systems. - Sign
Systems Studies 28: 326-350.
Kull K., Torop Peeter 2000. Biotranslation: Translation between umwelten.
In: Petrilli, Susan (ed.), Tra Segni. (= Athanor: Semiotica, Filosofia,
Arte, Letteratura. Anno XI, nuova serie 3) Roma: Meltemi editore, 33-43.
Kull K. 2000. Trends in theoretical biology: The 20th century. - Aquinas
43(2), 235-249.
Kull K. 2001. Biosemiotics and the problem of intrinsic value of nature. -
Sign Systems Studies 29(1): 353-365.
Kull K. 2001. Jakob von Uexküll: An introduction. - Semiotica 134(1/4):
Kull K. 2001. Living forms are communicative structures, based on the
organic codes. - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 8(3): 91-94.
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