A bibliography of Kalevi Kull
Sutrop U., Kull K. 1985.
Theoretical Biology in Estonia. Tallinn: Valgus, 28 p.
Kull K., Kull O. 1989. Dinamicheskoe modelirovanie rosta derev’ev [Dynamical Modelling of Tree Growth]. Tallinn, Valgus, 232 p.
Kukk T., Kull K. 1997. Puisniidud [Wooded Meadows]. - Estonia Maritima 2. 249 p.
Books and journal issues, edited
Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1988.
Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus. 180 p.
Kull K., Ksenofontova T. (eds.) 1988. Perspektivy teorii fitotsenologii
[Perspectives in Theory of Phytocoenology]. Tartu, 208 p.
Kull K. (ed.) 1992. Baer and Modern Biology. Tartu: University of Tartu. 104 p.
Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1993.
Lectures in Theoretical Biology: The Second
Stage. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences. 257 p. (Academia, vol. 2).
Zobel M, Palmer M.W., Kull K., Herben T. (eds.) 1994.
Species Co-existence and Vegetation Structure. Uppsala: Opulus Press, 112 p.
Aaviksoo K., Kull K., Paal J., Trass H. (eds.). 1995. Consortium Masingii: A Festschrift for Viktor Masing. (Scripta Botanica 9.) Tartu: Tartu University, 189 p.
Kull K., Möls T., Trapido T. (eds.). 1995. Äratundmise teooria [Theory of Recognition] (Schola Biotheoretica 21). Tartu: TA kirjastus, 135 p.
Maiväli Ü., Kull K., Möls T. (eds.) 1996. Elu keeled [Languages of Life]. Schola Biotheoretica 22. Tartu: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 114 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K. (eds.). 1998. Sign Systems Studies vol. 26. Tartu:
Tartu University Press, 437 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K., Pärli Ü. (eds.). 1999.
Sign Systems Studies vol. 27.
Tartu University Press, 305 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K. (eds.). 2000. Sign Systems Studies vol. 28.
Tartu University Press, 437 p.
Tammiksaar E., Kull K. (eds.). 1999. Folia
Baeriana 7. Tartu: Institute of
Zoology and Botany, 150 p.
Tiivel T., Kareva D., Kull K. (eds.) 2000. Oma maa vaim: Eesti Taassünni
auhind 1993-1997 [The Spirit of One's Own Country: Estonian Renaissance
Award 1993-1997]. Tallinn: Varrak, 79 p.
(in English)
(in Russian)
Kull K. 1982. Modeli regulyatsii konechnyh razmerov organizmov
[Models of regulation of final size of organisms]. - In: Zotin A.I.,
Presnov E.V. (eds.). Matematicheskaya biologiya razvitiya
[Mathematical Developmental Biology]. Moscow: Nauka, 204-209.
Kull K. 1983. Ogranichennost’ vozmozhnostej ekvifinal’nosti rosta
[Limits of possibilities of growth equifinality]. - Izvestiya AN
Estonskoj SSR, biologiya [Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of
Estonia, ser. Biology], 32(2), 97-102.
Kull K., Kull O. 1984. Ekofiziologicheskaya model’ rosta eli
[Ecophysiological model of spruce growth]. - Izvestiya AN Estonskoj SSR,
biologiya [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR,
ser. Biology] 33(4), 268-277.
Kull K., Oja T. 1984. Struktura fiziologicheskih modelej rosta derev’ev
[The structure of physiological tree growth models]. - Izvestiya AN Estonskoj SSR,
biologiya [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, ser.
Biology] 33(1), 33-41.
Kull K. 1986. Metodologicheskie problemy modelirovaniya "minimal’nogo organizma"
[Methodological problems in modelling of "minimum organism"]. - In:
Metodologicheskie problemy teoreticheskoj biologii i biofiziki
[Methodological Problems of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics]. Puschino, 41-52.
Kull K. 1987. Vidovye parametry rosta i modelirovanie sosuschestvovaniya travyanistyh
mnogoletnikov [Parameters of growth and modelling of co-existence of perennial herbs].
- In: Problemy teoreticheskoj i eksperimental’noi fitotsenologii
[Problems of Theoretical and Experimental Phytocoenology]. Ufa, 103-114.
Kull K. 1988. Vidovaya differentsiatsiya kak rezul’tat biparental’nogo razmnozheniya
[Species differentiation as a result of biparental reproduction]. - In: Sutt T. (ed.).
Aktual’nye voprosy evolyutsionnoj biologii [Current Problems in Evolutionary Biology].
Tartu, 35-45.
Kull K. 1988. Na puti k konstruktivnoj teorii fitotsenologii [Towards a constructive
theory of phytocoenology]. - In: Kull K., Ksenofontova T. (eds.). Perspektivy teorii
fitotsenologii [Perspectives in Theory of Phytocoenology]. Tartu, 11-18.
Raitviir A., Kull K. 1988. Dialogovyj klyuch dlya opredeleniya gribov, realizovannyj
na personal’nom komp’yutere [A dialogue key for fungal identification with personal
computer]. - Mikologia i fitopatologia [Mycology and phytopatology] 22(2), 111-117.
Sharov A.A., Kull K. 1990. Opredelenie i elementarnye svojstva samovosproizvodyaschihsya
sistem [Definition and elementary properties of self-reproducing systems]. -
Zhurnal Obschej Biologii (Journal of General Biology) 51(6), 723-730.
(in Swedish)
Kull K. 1992. Rekord i arter pa liten yta. - Sveriges Natur (3), 51.
(in Estonian)
Kull K., Lotman M. 1995.
Semiotica Tartuensis: Jakob von Uexküll ja Juri Lotman [Semiotica
Tartuensis: Jakob von Uexküll and Juri Lotman]. - Akadeemia 7(12), 2467-2483.
Kull K. 1996.
Biosemiootika: märkmeid sissejuhatuseks [Biosemiotics: introductory remarks]. -
In: Schola Biotheoretica 22, 8-19.
[...] and more. See the full texts of several