A bibliography of Kalevi Kull


Sutrop U., Kull K. 1985. Theoretical Biology in Estonia. Tallinn: Valgus, 28 p.
Kull K., Kull O. 1989. Dinamicheskoe modelirovanie rosta derev’ev [Dynamical Modelling of Tree Growth]. Tallinn, Valgus, 232 p.
Kukk T., Kull K. 1997. Puisniidud [Wooded Meadows]. - Estonia Maritima 2. 249 p.

Books and journal issues, edited

Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1988. Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus. 180 p.
Kull K., Ksenofontova T. (eds.) 1988. Perspektivy teorii fitotsenologii [Perspectives in Theory of Phytocoenology]. Tartu, 208 p.
Kull K. (ed.) 1992. Baer and Modern Biology. Tartu: University of Tartu. 104 p.
Kull K., Tiivel T. (eds.) 1993. Lectures in Theoretical Biology: The Second Stage. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences. 257 p. (Academia, vol. 2).
Zobel M, Palmer M.W., Kull K., Herben T. (eds.) 1994. Species Co-existence and Vegetation Structure. Uppsala: Opulus Press, 112 p.
Aaviksoo K., Kull K., Paal J., Trass H. (eds.). 1995. Consortium Masingii: A Festschrift for Viktor Masing. (Scripta Botanica 9.) Tartu: Tartu University, 189 p.
Kull K., Möls T., Trapido T. (eds.). 1995. Äratundmise teooria [Theory of Recognition] (Schola Biotheoretica 21). Tartu: TA kirjastus, 135 p.
Maiväli Ü., Kull K., Möls T. (eds.) 1996. Elu keeled [Languages of Life]. Schola Biotheoretica 22. Tartu: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 114 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K. (eds.). 1998. Sign Systems Studies vol. 26. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 437 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K., Pärli Ü. (eds.). 1999. Sign Systems Studies vol. 27. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 305 p.
Torop P., Lotman M., Kull K. (eds.). 2000. Sign Systems Studies vol. 28. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 437 p.
Tammiksaar E., Kull K. (eds.). 1999. Folia Baeriana 7. Tartu: Institute of Zoology and Botany, 150 p.
Tiivel T., Kareva D., Kull K. (eds.) 2000. Oma maa vaim: Eesti Taassünni auhind 1993-1997 [The Spirit of One's Own Country: Estonian Renaissance Award 1993-1997]. Tallinn: Varrak, 79 p.


(in English)

(in Russian)
Kull K. 1982. Modeli regulyatsii konechnyh razmerov organizmov [Models of regulation of final size of organisms]. - In: Zotin A.I., Presnov E.V. (eds.). Matematicheskaya biologiya razvitiya [Mathematical Developmental Biology]. Moscow: Nauka, 204-209.
Kull K. 1983. Ogranichennost’ vozmozhnostej ekvifinal’nosti rosta [Limits of possibilities of growth equifinality]. - Izvestiya AN Estonskoj SSR, biologiya [Proceedings of Academy of Sciences of Estonia, ser. Biology], 32(2), 97-102.
Kull K., Kull O. 1984. Ekofiziologicheskaya model’ rosta eli [Ecophysiological model of spruce growth]. - Izvestiya AN Estonskoj SSR, biologiya [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, ser. Biology] 33(4), 268-277.
Kull K., Oja T. 1984. Struktura fiziologicheskih modelej rosta derev’ev [The structure of physiological tree growth models]. - Izvestiya AN Estonskoj SSR, biologiya [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, ser. Biology] 33(1), 33-41.
Kull K. 1986. Metodologicheskie problemy modelirovaniya "minimal’nogo organizma" [Methodological problems in modelling of "minimum organism"]. - In: Metodologicheskie problemy teoreticheskoj biologii i biofiziki [Methodological Problems of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics]. Puschino, 41-52.
Kull K. 1987. Vidovye parametry rosta i modelirovanie sosuschestvovaniya travyanistyh mnogoletnikov [Parameters of growth and modelling of co-existence of perennial herbs]. - In: Problemy teoreticheskoj i eksperimental’noi fitotsenologii [Problems of Theoretical and Experimental Phytocoenology]. Ufa, 103-114.
Kull K. 1988. Vidovaya differentsiatsiya kak rezul’tat biparental’nogo razmnozheniya [Species differentiation as a result of biparental reproduction]. - In: Sutt T. (ed.). Aktual’nye voprosy evolyutsionnoj biologii [Current Problems in Evolutionary Biology]. Tartu, 35-45.
Kull K. 1988. Na puti k konstruktivnoj teorii fitotsenologii [Towards a constructive theory of phytocoenology]. - In: Kull K., Ksenofontova T. (eds.). Perspektivy teorii fitotsenologii [Perspectives in Theory of Phytocoenology]. Tartu, 11-18.
Raitviir A., Kull K. 1988. Dialogovyj klyuch dlya opredeleniya gribov, realizovannyj na personal’nom komp’yutere [A dialogue key for fungal identification with personal computer]. - Mikologia i fitopatologia [Mycology and phytopatology] 22(2), 111-117.
Sharov A.A., Kull K. 1990. Opredelenie i elementarnye svojstva samovosproizvodyaschihsya sistem [Definition and elementary properties of self-reproducing systems]. - Zhurnal Obschej Biologii (Journal of General Biology) 51(6), 723-730.

(in Swedish)
Kull K. 1992. Rekord i arter pa liten yta. - Sveriges Natur (3), 51.

(in Estonian)
Kull K., Lotman M. 1995. Semiotica Tartuensis: Jakob von Uexküll ja Juri Lotman [Semiotica Tartuensis: Jakob von Uexküll and Juri Lotman]. - Akadeemia 7(12), 2467-2483.
Kull K. 1996. Biosemiootika: märkmeid sissejuhatuseks [Biosemiotics: introductory remarks]. - In: Schola Biotheoretica 22, 8-19.

[...] and more. See the full texts of several papers.