The Centre will help to develop research in the fields that J.v.Uexküll mastered - in biosemiotics, theoretical biology, philosophy of biology and fields bordering with them (e.g., ecosemiotics). These branches have a long tradition in Tartu, for the semiotic school of Tartu is well known in the world, and there is a long tradition of the Spring Schools of Theoretical Biology.
Extending the borders of natural sciences through developing humanitarian aspects of science, and helping to familiarize the ecological way of thinking are also among the tasks of the Centre.
For carrying those tasks into action, the Centre organizes seminars, sessions etc. and issue publications. The Centre would be glad to support persons and organizations, who would like to do something in those fields.
The activities of the Centre are directed by an International Committee with advisory functions. The regular work of the Centre is managed by the Board, that consists of five persons and is situated in Tartu. Everyone can become a member of the Centre by sending an application to the Board.
The Centre will be grateful receiving any publications, copies, documents, letters, photos, etc. which may have either direct or indirect bearing on Jakob von Uexküll or his work.