Theoretical Biology
The Estonian school of theoretical biology as a tradition of holistic,
developmental and constructivist ideas in general biology goes back to Karl
Friedrich Burdach,
one who
coined the term biology in 1800, and his pupil, a greatest biologist
of the 19th century Karl Ernst von
Baer. Among their followers can be named Gustav Teichmüller, Gustav von Bunge, Jakob
von Uexküll, Evald Oldekop and many others. Since 1974, the Theoretical
Biology Group in Tartu has been a meeting place for the researchers
in theoretical biology of all its different approaches.
People (in Estonia)
Kalevi Kull - Dept. of Semiotics, University of Tartu,
and Institute of Zoology and Botany ,
(theoretical biology, biosemiotics)
Timo Maran - University of Tartu, timo_m@ut.ee (theory of mimicry,
Tõnu Möls - President of the Estonian Naturalists' Society, tonu@lus.tartu.ee
(statistical models in biology)
Ivar Puura - University of Tartu, ipuura@ut.ee
(evolution, paleontology)
Urmas Sutrop - Institute of Estonian Language, Urmas.Sutrop@eki.ee
(linguistics and biology)
Toomas Tammaru - Dept. of Zoology,
Institute of Zoology and Botany, toomast@zbi.ee
(evolutionary ecology, population biology, insect growth)
Tiit Teder - Dept. of Zoology,
Institute of Zoology and Botany, tiit@zbi.ee (evolutionary ecology of insects);
see his evolution page
Toomas Tiivel - ttiivel@vm.ee
(symbiosis, evolution)
Aleksei Turovski - Institute of Marine Research, Lai 32, Tallinn
(parasitology, biosemiotics)
Mart Viikmaa - University of Tartu, Estonia martv@madli.ut.ee
& members of this Centre
People (World)
Books published in Estonia